Caste Matters is an explosive book by Suraj Yengde, that challenges deep-seated beliefs about caste and unpacks its many layers.

Book Cover Design

Book Cover Design

caste matters book cover design
caste matters book launch

Yengde brings to light the immovable glass ceiling that exists for Dalits even in politics, bureaucracy and judiciary.

He provides an unflinchingly honest account of divisions within the Dalit community itself-from their internal caste divisions to the conduct of elite Dalits and their tokenized forms of modern-day untouchability-all operating under the inescapable influences of Brahminical doctrines.

He describes his gut-wrenching experiences of growing up in a Dalit basti, the multiple humiliations suffered by Dalits on a daily basis, and their incredible resilience enabled by love and humour.

The Wire’s review hailed ‘Caste Matters’ as setting a new agenda for the Dalits in India.

Freelance Project 2019

Suraj Yengde

Penguin Random House

Cover Photograph
Nancy Farese

All photographs are only for display and belong to their rightful owners.


Design:Impact Awards